Fundamentally the greatest deciding factor in awarding working students grants to students of the Ateneo de Davao University, aside from academic ability, is the proven need for financial assistance. Therefore, there is no automatic working students grant even for students who graduate as valedictorians or salutatorians in high school.
Selection Process
The College Scholarship Committee is in charge of the selection process. The committee sets up norms and guidelines for selection in addition to and/or in consonance with norms already specified by particular grants that are coursed through the university. Majority of the members of the Scholarship Committee must approve any exception to the existing norms. Reasons for the exception must be stated in writing for documentation purposes. The Committee reports to the Academic Vice President, and is composed of representatives and administrators of various units.
General Norms
Applicants for working student program must fill out the Financial Aid Application Form and submit this to the Office of Admission together with the Application Form for Admission.APPLICATIONS THAT ARE NOT FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR NOT ACCOMPANIED BY THE REQUIRED DOCUMENTS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED. Application for First Semester of study must be submitted on or before the last Friday of April; application for Second Semester of study must be submitted on the last Friday of October.
The working student grantees are selected on the basis of:
1. financial need as indicated in the Working student/ Financial Aid Application Form and other requirements;
2. intellectual ability and proven academic competence; and
3. commitment to the service of community activities and a potential for greater service in the future.
The College Scholarship Committee makes its decision on every application after examining the result of the ACAT together with the school records, the family’s finances, and recommendations. The application for working student does not influence in any way the decision concerning acceptance into the college.
Not everyone who applies for working student assistance is given financial aid. An applicant whose family’s annual gross income exceeds P150,000.00 is normally not considered by the Committee on Scholarship and, therefore, need not apply. A student applicant with a prepaid tuition-and-fee plan may also come to the Ateneo on such an arrangement, but is not allowed to apply for any scholarship grant. Generally, there should not be double scholarship grants.
Program of Studies and Tenure of Award
Working students and financial aid are granted to students in evening programs (for the moment, BS Business Management and BS Management Accounting). Grants are good for one year and are reviewed every semester for continuing financial need and satisfactory performance. Grants are given for summer and remedial courses, if any is required.
A. Secure an Application for Financial Assistance form from the Admissions Office.
B. Fill out the form and submit it with the following documents:
- Photocopy of Current Income Tax Return of Parents duly stamped by the Bureau of Internal Revenue (Bring original)
- Photocopy of High School Report Card (Form 137) [Average 80%]
- Photocopy of Notice of Acceptance from the Admission Director
- Parental Consent stating Parents allow student to work in the University
- Recommendation Letter from Principal
- Recommendation Letter from Guidance Counselor of the University
- An Essay on a topic specified by the committee
C. Submit to an Interview
D. Be available for a Home Visitation by committee members.
Coverage of the Grants
Generally, the grant covers only tuition and fees for any given semester, but it is renewable upon fulfillment of certain conditions (as set by the Committee). Working student grants are generally renewable until the particular student graduates from his/her course depending on the availability of funds.
Terms and Conditions for Renewal
(1) Continuing financial need
(2) Satisfactory academic performance
(3) Satisfactory manifestation of grantee’s willingness to serve
(4) No infraction of school policies
Academic Requirements
The working student must remain in and finish the program in which he /she was originally awarded the working student grant. Dropping of subjects after the first two weeks is not allowed.
Generally, the working student must have no failing grade and a Weighted Percentage Average of at least 80% regardless of course. In case the working student fails to meet the required WPA or grade, he/she is given one chance (i.e., one semester) to make this up. If, however, after the said chance the working student still fails to make the required WPA and/or grade, he/she has to relinquish the working student slot in favor of another.
Non-Academic Requirements
As part of the school’s mission, working students are expected to actively participate in activities sanctioned by the school. They must attend all formation sessions for working students, trainings and seminars for working students called by the Guidance Office, the Scholarship Program Office, Campus Ministry and the Social Involvement Coordinating Office.
All working students awarded through the Scholarship Program of the Ateneo de Davao University are expected to render a minimum of 6.5 hours of service to the school per day, minimum of 22 days per month. Services may be in form of office work, statistical jobs, assistance during assessment or student registration, or as specified by the Scholarship Committee and the direct supervisor (Chair or Coordinator or Director).
All working students are expected to participate in all formation sessions of the working student programs.
Working Student Implementing Guidelines
1. The working student should maintain every semester a WPA of eighty (80) or its equivalent, with no grade lower than seventy five (75)
2. The grantee must not incur a grade of INC (Incomplete), FD (Failure Debarred) or P (Poor) in any subject.
Other Scholarship Grants
3. The working student shall not enjoy any other sponsored or pre-need scholarship grant simultaneous with the Ateneo sponsored/administered grant. Acceptance of other scholarships automatically terminates the Ateneo working student grant.
4. The working student shall be for the duration of the course unless earlier terminated due to failure of grantee to comply with the semestral terms and conditions.
5. The working student shall render service to the school as the counterpart for the grant, minimum of six and one half (6.5) hours per day within a minimum of twenty-two (22) days per month. She/he reports on time to the assigned Office from Monday to Friday including semestral vacations.
6. Parental consent must be submitted to the Office of Student Affairs (OSA) stating that the student is allowed to work in the University.
7. The working student must be customer-oriented. He/She must show courtesy at all times to guests, administrators, faculty, staff and students. He may do errands, only if necessary, for the Office inside and outside of the school premises provided the work is related to the Office needs and functions and done during working hours.
8. No cash payment shall be made for services rendered by Working Students. Remuneration shall take the form of tuition credit of the current account of the student concerned. At the end of the semester/summer term, if the working student has rendered service over and above the equivalent amount of his/her tuition credit on his/her tuition account fir the following semester/summer term.
9. If the working student is going to graduate, any excess shall be returned to him/her in the form of tuition refund. However, no refund shall be returned to him or to her if the working student has an outstanding account with the Finance Office.
10. A daily time record (DTR) shall be submitted every third (3rd) day of the month to the Office of Student Affairs. The working student must prepare four (4) copies of the DTR: one (1) copy for OSA, one (1) for Scholarship Office, one (1) for Finance Office. The DTR must be checked by the immediate supervisor, approved by the Head of Office and noted by the Scholarship Coordinator and the Asst. Director of OSA before it is submitted to the Finance Office. The copy of contract for the Finance Office will be submitted by OSA to the Finance Office every fourth (4th) day of the month.
11. No working student is allowed to start working without submitting to the Finance Office the appointment duly signed by designated persons.
12. The working student must visit the assigned Guidance Counselor at least twice every semester.
13. The working student must be responsible to:
a. Keep things in confidentiality;
b. Finish work assigned for the day;
c. Make sure that the unfinished work is properly turned over to the next student assistants or staff on duty;
d. Notify the Office staff or office head in case of absence.
14. Prelim grades, midterm grades and final grades must be submitted to the OSA and Scholarship Office one-day after grades are released.
Course Load
15. The working student shall enroll in the semester following the award of the working student grant, and shall carry each semester a load prescribed by her/his academic program coordinator/ director of not more than eighteen (18) units and not less than nine (9) units per semester, and not more than six (6) units during summer school.
16. The working student may carry an overload of one subject with the approval of the Director of Student Affairs and the Scholarship Coordinator. If the work hours for the first and second semesters cannot compensate the total amount of his/her tuition and fees, the working student is required to work during summer. He/She cannot enrol any courses during summer while on full time work.
17. No deferment of enrolment shall be allowed except for valid reasons, such as:
a. Poor health of the student as certified by the school physician;
b. Grave personal problem of the student which may affect the student’s studies for the semester
18. The working student shall be required to enroll and finish CWTS and PE subjects within the period prescribed by the academic program.
Shifting of Course
19. No working student shall be allowed to shift to another course or take double courses/majors, except for meritorious reasons and only upon the approval of the Scholarship Committee.
20. In no case shall the working student be allowed to shift to another course more than once, and in no case shall it be beyond the first semester of his third year in the university.
21. Shifting must be within the priority courses identified by the Scholarship Committee.
22. The working student who wants to shift course to another, or withdraw from school must submit a written request to the Scholarship Committee through the Scholarship Coordinator, for proper action and documentation.
Dropping of Subjects
23. The working student must not drop any subject except for valid cause.
24. Dropping of subjects without approval is a valid ground for termination of the grant.
25. Withdrawal from the University is only allowed within the six weeks from the start of classes. Outstanding financial obligations of the working student become due and demandable once application for withdrawal from the University is filed and processed.
26. The working student shall be under the supervision of the College Scholarship Committee of the university in matters pertaining to working students and program of studies.
27. The working student shall work in an assigned office under a direct supervisor (Chair, Coordinator or Director).
28. The working student’s service may be terminated should circumstances warrant, especially if the working student had been found to be tardy or inefficient, violated the rules and regulation of school or gross negligence of duty and/or assigned tasks.
Renewal of Grant
29. At the end of each semester, the grantee shall comply with all the requirements and follow the procedure for grant renewal.
30. An evaluation from the immediate supervisor must be submitted with the renewal form. This becomes part of the requirements for the renewal of the grant.
31. Recommendation from the direct supervisor or head of office where the working student had been assigned must be attached to the renewal form.
32. The working student submits a copy of his/her grades of the previous semester or term, a copy of her/her registration form (white print out form).
For more information, please contact the College Scholarship Office at:
Tel (82) 221.2411 local 8303
Attention: Ms. Devi Joy B. Migue, Admin Assistant on Scholarships