Student Assistants

Ateneo de Davao University offers financial assistance to students who are willing to work as office assistants. Student assistants work for four (4) hours a day, in return they receive tuition discount for the services they have rendered to the University. Budget allocation for tuition payment of student assistants comes from the specific offices where the student assistants are working.

Applicants to the Student Assistance (SA) Program are interviewed and recommended by the different University offices needing student assistants. The Office of Student Affairs (OSA) facilitates the contract signing, monitors the academic performance and evaluates renewal of contracts. The Coordinator of the Scholarship Program interviews and recommends applicants to the Office of Student Affairs. Student assistants report to their direct supervisor, i.e. office head, Division Chair, Office Director or Coordinator. The offices, in return, give scholarship grant in the form of tuition credit based on the hours of service of the student assistants. The direct supervisor evaluates the student assistants at the end of every semester.

(1) Applicant must have at least one (1) semester of study in Ateneo de Davao University
(2) Letter of Application addressed to the Head of Office
(3) Letter of Application addressed to the Scholarship Coordinator
(4) Letter of Recommendation from the Head of Office
(5) Letter of Consent from Parents
(6) Parents’ Latest Income Tax Return
(7) Work Schedule in the Office Assignment
(8) Grades of Previous Semester/ Summer
(9) Registration Form (with class schedules) for Current Semester
(10) One 1×1 photo and One 2×2 photo
(11) Accomplished Application Form (get one from OSA)
(12) Waiver (OSA)
(13) Student Assistant Contract (OSA)

Requirements for renewal of student assistant contract can be obtained from the Office of Student Affairs.

Student assistants are allowed to do overtime work provided that this must be requested ahead of time and authorized by the Office Head. Overtime is only allowed for special or seasonal period and not on a regular basis. Forms for SA Overtime Request are available at the Student Affairs Office. This must be fully accomplished and approved by the Office Head and by the OSA Director. The approved request will be attached to the Daily Time Record (DTR) of SA that will be submitted to the Finance Office at the 3rd day of the month. DTRs with over four (4) hours per day of work shall have the approved overtime request form attached to it, otherwise, the Finance Office will implement only the four (4) hour per day maximum tuition credit.

For more information, please contact

Canisius Hall
Ateneo de Davao University
Roxas Avenue 8016 Davao City
Tel (82) 221.2411 local 8305 or 8304
Fax (82) 224.3503