Fr. Felix Wenceslao Dizon Unson, S.J. was born on 28 September 1936 in Manila. He attended primary instruction at St. James Academy, Malabon, Rizal and graduated his secondary education at Ateneo de Manila in 1954. Immediately after, he entered the Jesuits at Sacred Heart Novitiate in Novaliches, Quezon City on 30 May 1954. After Juniorate in Sacred Heart, he went to Berchmans College in Lahug, Cebu City and finished M.A. Philosophy in 1962. During Regency, he was assigned to San Jose Seminary at Loyola Heights, Quezon City where he taught Latin, Math, History, and Filipino from 1962 to 1965. He did his Bachelor in Sacred Theology at the Loyola School of Theology at Loyola Heights, Quezon City and belonged to its first ordinandi along with Frs. Florencio Cuerquis, Francisco Montecastro, and Mateo Sanchez on 1 May 1968 by Rufino Cardinal Santos. He finished M.A. in Educational Admin at AdMU in 1970 as specific training, then immediately proceeded to Tertianship at Our Lady of Martyrs at Auriesville, New York, U.S.A from June 19 to January 1971.
Three geographic places can summarize the ministerial itinerary of Fr. Chito: Manila, Cagayan de Oro, and Davao. After ordination, while writing his thesis and subminister of the Jesuit Residence, he was assigned assistant principal at AdMU High School from 1969 to 1970. After Tertianship and a semester of studies at Fordham University, he was assigned to Ateneo de Cagayan (X.U.) High School as principal from 1971 to 1973. Then, for 26 years, he found himself in Ateneo de Davao University, his longest assignment, to serve at the secondary and tertiary levels: guidance counsellor, religion teacher, and admissions administrator of the High School (1973-1983); theology instructor in College (1983-1999). He also became Rector (1992-1998) and chair of the Theology Department (1992-1999).
After sabbatical at St. Elizabeth of Hungary Parish in New York, U.S.A. (1999-2000), Fr. Chito was reassigned to Metro Manila: first, as assistant campus minister at Xavier School in Greenhills (2000-2001), then, to Ateneo de Manila University Grade School as chaplain from 2001 until 2014.
His last assignment was assistant chaplain of the Province Infirmaries until he suffered from ruptured aneurysm on 8 September 2015 and died 10:19 am of the following day during confinement at The Medical City in Pasig City.
A.T.Tumbali, SJ; assistant province archivist