We are pleased to announce the 30 Exam Passers for the November 2023 Civil Engineering Licensure Exam (CELE). Among the passers, 27 were First Time Takers with a rate of 77.14%, and overall AdDU received a 65.22% Passing Rate.
Congratulations, once again, to the following 30 new Civil Engineers!
- Apilada, Margau Vianne Agustin
- Bajada, Fernandson Lance Manayon
- Buenaflor, Valerie Hane Tecson
- Codizar, Dexter Loui Tuvilla
- Cortez, Angel Raphael Arnan
- Cua, Aldrin Glennrich Yu
- Equiza, Molly Treena Villena
- Escanilla, Irah Alleiah AraƱa
- Flores, Jemar Chris
- Gonzales, Jhan Isha Labawan
- Halilio, Jason Osman
- Jumilla, Von Andrei Ferrater
- Lamostre, John Philip Cempron
- Lira, Jose Bernardo Parel
- Mahilum, Twilight Ampol
- Mianagua, Edward Robert Pikitpikit
- Miscreola, Chayil Love Volante
- Montalban, Otelo Jochico
- Ogayan, Maria Jorlet
- Pinili, Trixie
- Portillano, Flexie Joy Balote
- Rarang, Raphael Clark Christian Calamba
- Rivas, Cyrich Hon Pelien
- Salvador, Jose Javier Facundo
- Saulog, Diana Faye Alidro
- Soriano, Reymart Cesar Ochave
- Subaldo, Ariel Jr. Delos Angeles
- Tan, Mary Janzen Lu
- Valente, Fe Lourence Dasal
- Wong, Jhayziel Jhan Ramos