The Ignatian Spirituality and Formation Office (ISFO) and Campus Ministry Office Senior High School Unit invite you to its 19th live streaming episode of ISFO TV entitled, “Take Charge: Being the Steward that I am Called To Be,” on January 14, 2022, at 2:00 PM.
As God’s children, we are reminded of one another as brothers and sisters in Christ taking charge of each other. It is being “In – charge” of responsibilities, being the model for change. Taking charge is a reminder of that covenant with Christ that as parents, students, sons, daughters, workers, citizens of this country, and God’s children, we are all called to be committed to being stewards of God’s creation – taking charge in protecting and defending people’s integrity and honoring and respecting people’s dignity. It is in being stewards of God that we take action on God’s provisions.
Stewardship, in a theological belief, states that humans are responsible for the world, and should take care and look after it. Pope Francis calls all of us to deeply feel our stewardship; to care for the earth and the poor, the lost, the least, and the last. As people of faith, we honor our Creator as we care and be accountable for His creation.
To register, click E-Certificates will be given to participants who are able to register through the link. This event will also be live-streamed on YouTube and Facebook. For more details, visit ISFO’s Facebook page and YouTube channel.