Please be informed that the Multi-Sectoral Committee will hold a series of consultation meetings on the proposed tuition and fee increase for the tertiary units for School Year 2018-2019 starting 9 February 2018 (Friday) 3:40 PM at the Pakighinabi Room, 3rd Floor of Community Center of First Companions.

Members of the Multi-Sectoral Committee are the following:

  1. Academic Vice President (1) – Chair
  2. School Deans (SBG, SON, SAS, SOE, SEA, Law)
  3. Samahan Central Board Officers (5)
  4. College of Law Student Council (2)
  5. College Faculty Union Officer (1)
  6. Non-Teaching Staff Union Officer (1)
  7. Ateneo Alumni Association Officer (1)
  8. Director of Student Affairs (1)
  9. University Treasurer (1)

For your information and guidance.

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