The United Board Fellows Program prepares talented mid-career faculty and administrators for future leadership in their home institutions in Asia. Candidates are nominated by the top administration of their institutions, based on their accomplishments in leadership, academics and teaching, and potential to assume senior positions.
Each year, around 20 Fellows are selected from across Asia. The Program aims to provide an enriching experience in exploring the dynamics of higher education leadership and management. Fellows will participate in a one-year fellowship which will include a three-week intensive summer institute in the U.S.A., a two- to four-month placement at an Asian higher education institution, and a one-week leadership seminar in Asia.
The United Board – CHED Faculty Scholarship Program gives junior faculty support to pursue post-graduate degree study at the master’s or doctorate levels in any academic fields. The degree program must be taught in English, at a United Board approved institution within Asia. This advanced study will enhance the academic quality of individual scholars and strengthen the academic programs in which they teach.
The United Board and CHED will co-fund the scholarships, to make these advanced degree programs affordable for universities wishing to upgrade their teaching faculty. Additional support from the sending institutions are welcome and encouraged.
For more information, contact the Academic Vice President (AVP) Office at (082) 2212411 local 8372 to 8383.