Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) is an essential tool used in nanoscience and technology and in materials science and atmospheric research. Through SEM, the surface morphology, structure, and composition of a material are determined. The image generated is taken as a direct evidence of the synthesis or fabrication of nanostructures. Nanostructures, as the term implies, are in dimensions in the range of several nanometers, that is, one-billionth of a meter, or one thousandth of the diameter of a hair strand. Particulate matter, an air pollutant and often found in micron sizes, usually grow from nanostructures.
The University, in its effort to advance research and instruction in the Sciences, purchased three instruments namely, Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), GRIMM Dust Monitor, and Spectrometer (GDMS) and Capillary Electrophoresis System. The Chemistry Laboratory is the custodian of the instruments but other Science Departments may have access to them – the Environmental Science Program and Physics Department in particular for now. The SEM is currently of direct use to the research of Fr. Antonio Basilio, S.J. Ph.D. and Doris Montecastro, Ph.D., “Maximized Utilization of Philippine Pineapple Waste: Optimization of Bromelain Extraction (Phase 1)”. The “Emissions Mapping of Criteria Pollutants Including VOC and PM2.5 in Davao City: In Preparation for Future Air quality Forecasts”, a joint research of Doris Montecastro, Ph.D., and Fr. Daniel McNamara, S.J. Ph.D. currently utilizes the GDMS.
The University Research Council expresses its gratitude and sincere appreciation to the University President and the Board of Trustees for the generous support that enables the concerned Science Departments to undertake research on areas of interest vital to the University vision-mission.
Congratulations to the Departments of Chemistry, Physics and Environmental Science!