1. President’s Council

The President’s Council serves as the advisory body of the University President in terms of policy decision-making. It shall keep the University President informed on questions, issues and problems in the various units.

The Council is chaired by the University President and is composed of the Assistant to the President, Academic Vice President, Director of Ignatian Spirituality and Formation Office, Deans, High School Principal, Grade School Headmaster, the University Treasurer, the Director of Human Resource Management and Development Office, the Director of the Physical Plant Office, the Director of University Information Technology Office, a representative from the Jesuit Community. The council may also assist the University President in administrative issues that may affect the entire University.

2. University Councils

3. University Academic Council

The Council is an advisory body in terms of academic policies and programs set for the undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate programs of the University. The Council is chaired by the Academic Vice President.

4. Standing Committees of the University Academic Council

The University Academic Council has standing Committees designed to respond to all academic matters. The chairpersons of these Committees are appointed by the Council while members of the Committees are nominated by the chairpersons for approval by the Council.

a. Committee on Curriculum
The Committee on Curriculum provides guidance, advocacy, and supervision by ensuring that the curriculum is academically sound, comprehensive, and responsive to the evolving needs of the community, thus serving the college mission, goals, and educational needs of students. The Curriculum Committee shall have the authority to recommend for approval, oppose, or recommend modifications to curriculum proposals for the Council. It has the authority to table decisions about curriculum approval in order to gather more information about the impact of the curriculum proposal on the college in accordance with the rules and regulation of the University and the Commission on Higher Education. The committee consults with the University Registrar in the formulation and development of curricular policies.

b. Committee on Standards
The Standards Committee considers all matters pertaining to academic standards in the University. It will review and act upon student petitions of academic regulations and recommend policy regarding academic standards to the Council. It reviews petitions and appeals of students and faculty on change of academic marks, reinstatement of student, and lifting of probationary status. The committee consults with the University Registrar and the Deans in the formulation and development of policies on standards.

c. Committee on Honors and Awards
The Committee is responsible for establishing criteria of selection and granting graduation awards described in the procedures for commencement recognition. Its functions as a deliberative body in the selection of class valedictorian, salutatorian, all academic awards and special awards. The committee consults with the University Registrar in the formulation of policies on graduation awards.

d. Committee on Student Affairs
The committee develops and evaluates proposals from the University student community that may improve student-faculty and student-school relationships having to do with extracurricular and social interests beyond the purview of specific academic programs. It also addresses student concerns by maintaining and improving communication. SAC serves as an advocacy group for students to improve the quality of current extracurricular programs and acts as a liaison between students and the administration. The Committee acts on all matters pertaining to University student organizations, student discipline, student activities and their development. The committee consults with the Director of Student Affairs in the formulation of the student organization regulation, student activities and services.

e. Committee on Student Services
The committee consults with the Director of Ignatian Spirituality and Formation Office in the formulation of the student services policy.

f. Library Committee
The committee serves as an advisory body to the Director of Libraries and AV Center. Responsibilities include assessing the needs of students and faculty in the use of the library and media center and advising the Director on general library policy. The committee consults with the Director of Libraries and AV Center in the formulation of the annual budget, book acquisition, use of library materials, and library services. The committee also serves as a communicating bridge between the Library, and students and faculty.


5. Disciplinary Board

The Disciplinary Board of various units is tasked with the responsibility of adjudicating infraction of school rules and regulations committed by students.

The University maintains good school discipline inside the campus as well as outside the school premises when students are engaged in activities authorized by the University. The Board has the right to recommend the imposition of appropriate and reasonable disciplinary measures in case of major offences or infractions of rules and regulation of the University. However, no cruel or physically harmful punishment shall be imposed or applied against any student.

When the offense committed is serious and circumstances so warrant, the appropriate academic personnel shall cause the filing of the corresponding administrative action against the erring student to the Board. No disciplinary sanction shall be applied upon any student except for cause as defined in the rules and regulations of the University and the Manual of Regulations for Private School, and after due process shall have been observed. The punishment shall be commensurate with the nature and gravity of the offense.

6. University Budget Committee

The University Budget Committee serves as an advisory body to the University President in terms of ascertaining the periodic, annual and long – term budgets of the University. It is chaired by the University Treasurer.

The Committee assists the University Treasurer in finalization of the University budget for presentation and approval of the President. It reviews budget proposals submitted by various unit heads and administrators of the University. It conducts budget hearing to determine priorities and submits recommendations to the University President.

7. Committee on Faculty Rank and Promotions

The Committee on Faculty Rank and Promotions serves as the advisory body to the University President relative to matters pertaining to faculty rank, regularization, appointments and promotion. The Committee meets at the end of the every school year after the unit heads have consolidated all the faculty profile for re-ranking and promotion purposes. There shall be a committee in Grade School, High School and in College. In the basic education, it is chaired by the Headmaster and Principal respectively. In College, the Deans select from among themselves the chair of the Committee.

Members of the Committee are appointed by the University President but not limited to two (2) senior faculty, representatives from the Faculty Clubs, the Unit Heads, Assistant Headmasters, Assistant Principals, and Assistant Deans.

8. Committee on Faculty Development

The Committee on Faculty Development serves as the advisory body to the University President relative to matters pertaining to faculty development. The Committee meets twice every school year after the submission of applications for faculty development. Priorities for the granting of faculty development assistance and criteria for selection are determined by the committee in accordance with the general policy and direction of the University. The committee works closely with the Formation Team, Faculty Development and Scholarships Office and the Personnel Office.

Members of the Committee are appointed by the University President but not limited to the Unit Heads, Assistant Deans, Faculty Development and Scholarship Director, Personnel Director and representatives from the faculty.

9. Committee on Anti-Sexual Harassment

The Committee on Anti-Sexual Harassment investigates and adjudicates any complaint for sexual harassment and recommends that the appropriate action be taken as may be warranted by the circumstances. Except to the extent necessary to conduct the investigation, any complaint for sexual harassment and the investigation is treated as confidential by the Committee.

The Ateneo de Davao University believes that every member of the academic community must be treated with respect and dignity in accordance with Christian values. Sexual harassment impairs the pursuit of the ideals of the Ateneo de Davao University. The Ateneo de Davao University regards sexual harassment as unacceptable behavior, because it is a violation of the Code of Ethics of the Ateneo Educator and of the Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995. Any administrator, faculty member, or employee who engages in sexual harassment is subject to disciplinary action, which may include termination of employment. Any member of the University’s academic community who is a victim of sexual harassment could file a complaint with the Committee on Anti-Sexual Harassment.

Rules and regulations are promulgated by the University (see Appendix 2) for the purpose of prescribing the proper decorum for administrators, faculty members, and employees of the University and for the resolution, settlement, and disposition of cases of sexual harassment. Members of the Committee are appointed by the University President at the start of the school year.

10. Faculty Ethics Committee

At the referral of unit heads or the University the President, the Faculty Ethics Committee considers charges of violations of faculty ethics that involve the abuse of professional responsibilities as outlined in Faculty Manual and Code of Ethics of the Ateneo Educator. The Committee also acts to promote knowledge of and adherence to the ethical principles of the faculty. The Committee is not intended to be used to seek remedies such as monetary damages. The Committee will not act when legal, mediational, or other proceedings have been initiated or are ongoing by complainants that render the Committee’s pursuit of an investigation redundant or disruptive.

The Committee on Faculty Ethics is composed of faculty members and administrators. Committee members are appointed by the University President. All committee members must have tenure or continued appointment. It recommends possible course of action to the University President regarding violations of faculty ethics.

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