About AdDU

University Seal

The Official Ateneo de Davao University Seal

The two top panels of the shield represent Davao. The gold and silver inverted crossed keys against a light blue background represent St. Peter, patron of Davao parish church (now Cathedral). The light blue background represents Our Lady, patroness of the Philippines and of the Ateneo de Davao University (under the title of the Assumption of Our Lady). The green mountain peaks in the other panel represent Mt. Apo and its neighboring peaks, clearly visible from Davao City.

The two lower panels of the shield are the family arms of the founder of the Society of Jesus, St. Ignatius of Loyola of the House of Onaz y Loyola. The seven red and gold stripes represent the seven sons of the House of Onaz who fought under their king for the liberties of the Christians in Spain. The wolves-and-pot (lobos y olla) are a pun on the family name Loyola.

The crest above the shield is a silver medallion containing the monogram of the Society of Jesus: IHS are the first three letters of the name Jesus in Greek; the cross and the nails recall His passion and death as savior of mankind. The Latin motto Fortes in Fide (Strong in the Faith”) is from 1 Peter 5, 9. It is also the burden of a passage from St. Paul’s letter to the Ephesians: Eph. 5, 10-20.

Legal Notice:

The use of the University Seal, per Articles and By-Laws as well as school regulations of the Ateneo de Davao University is solely for official transactions and correspondence. Student organizations and others should ask permission from the Office of the President prior to publication or any other form of usage of the official seal. Unauthorized publication or any other form of usage may result to legal action from the University.

Atty. Manuel P. Quibod

University Legal Counsel & College of Law Dean, Ateneo de Davao University

Vision & Mission


The Ateneo de Davao University is a Catholic, Jesuit, and Filipino University.

As a university it is a community engaged in excellent instruction and formation, robust research, and vibrant community service.

As Catholic, it proceeds ex corde ecclesiae, from the heart of the Church.

As Jesuit, it appropriates the mission of the Society of Jesus and the spirituality of St. Ignatius of Loyola.

As Filipino, it contributes to and serves Mindanao.


It participates in the reconciliation by the Father
of humanity with Himself
of human beings with one another,
of humanity with the environment.

It strengthens faith. It promotes humane humanity.

It engages in intercultural, interreligious,
and inter-ideological dialogue especially in Mindanao.

It responds to the needs of the Bangsamoro, the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao,
as well as the needs of Lumad communities.

It promotes the creation of wealth and its equitable distribution.

It strengthens its science and technology instruction, research, and technopreneurship in Mindanao.

It promotes cultural understanding and friendship with its Asian neighbors.

It promotes lifelong learning and the dialogue between academe and the world of work.

It protects and promotes the environment as “our common home.”

It develops ADDU sui generis leaders who appropriate this mission for life.

It treasures and works with its alumni.

Approved by the Board of Trustees

August 10, 2019


Any chronicle of Ateneo de Davao University’s past begins with 1948, when American Jesuits, led by Fr. Theodore Daigler, assumed responsibility for St. Peter’s Parochial School then located along Jacinto Street in downtown Davao. With missionary zeal, the American fathers and Filipino scholastics built up Ateneo de Davao from a basic education unit to a small Liberal Arts college for men in 1951. In 1953, women students were welcomed to the college.

Courses leading to college degrees in Liberal Arts and Business were taught in a wooden hall named after St. Robert Bellarmine SJ. (Bellarmine was a 16th century Italian Jesuit bishop who, being an outstanding theologian, lecturer, and writer, was meant to inspire rigorous intellectual pursuit in the service of the Church.)

By the 1960s, the student population had risen enough to warrant the construction of a hall in honor of St. Peter Canisius SJ, a Dutch Jesuit preacher, and writer who defended the Catholic faith among German-speaking peoples of the sixteenth century. Canisius Hall is the oldest existing structure on the campus today.
Canisius Hall witnessed the development of postgraduate Ateneo education—the College of Law in 1961 and the Graduate School in 1968. The College of Law was established ten years after the first college courses were offered. Ranked as one of the Top Ten Law Schools of the country by the Supreme Court of the Philippines, the College of Law has maintained this excellent distinction and tradition for many years.

In 1969, the Ateneo de Davao College received its first accreditation from the Philippine Accrediting Association of Schools, Colleges, and, Universities (PAASCU). This formal recognition of the quality of education would be reaffirmed in regular PAASCU team visits in subsequent years.

Ateneo de Davao attained University status in 1977. Developments in the 1970s include the establishment of the College of Agriculture in 1977 and the Regional Science Teaching Center (RSTC) in 1979. After fourteen years, the College of Agriculture was closed as part of the agreement of the Mindanao Consortium of Ateneo Schools (which includes Ateneo de Davao, Ateneo de Zamboanga, and Xavier University). RSTC is still organizing training workshops for science educators in Southern Mindanao to this day.

Other milestones in 1979 include the introduction of the Chemical Engineering program, the rest of what are now seven Engineering courses, and the publication of Kinaadman, an academic journal containing research and scholarly articles especially focused on Mindanao. Kinaadman (Bisaya for wisdom) was a joint publication of the consortium.

The 1980s saw the birth of a homegrown journal and three other engineering courses. Weaning itself of Kinaadman, Ateneo de Davao published the first issue of its journal in 1984. Christened Tambara (Bagobo for “offering to the gods”), it publishes peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary articles on Mindanao issues. Courses in Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering were offered beginning in 1984.

Physical facilities were also upgraded at this time. Bellarmine Hall was reconstructed. Five halls were built and dedicated to men of the cloth whose life and times are part of the history of Jesuits in the Philippines. The library building honors Fr. Mateo Gisbert SJ, a 19th century Spanish Jesuit whose mission area was Davao. Known for his love for the Bagobos, he respected their culture and learned their language so well he spoke it fluently and wrote Diccionario Espanol-Bagobo in 1892.

The hall that still accommodates engineering classrooms is named after Most Reverend Luis del Rosario, SJ, Bishop of Zamboanga. He is the one who invited the Jesuits to take over the administration of St. Peter’s Parochial School in 1948. The connecting hall is dedicated to Most Reverend Clovis Thibault PME, Bishop Prelate of Davao whose early support to the Jesuit educational apostolate is seen in the donation of the land for the Jacinto campus.

Also honored by way of halls is the lifework of two American Jesuit missionaries. Both teachers and counselors, Fr. Justus R. Wieman, SJ and Fr. John A. Dotterweich, SJ were regarded as friends of Ateneans in Davao in the 1970s to the 1980s.

Work in the 1980s did not only focus on developing academic excellence. Community engagement, particularly of students, was also a key concern. It found expression in the establishment of the Social Involvement Coordinating Office (SICO), which was a clear response to the need for conscientization and social involvement of college students. SICO is now known as the Arrupe Office of Social Formation.

Top of mind in the 1990s were high technology and high quality. The University kept in stride with the times with the Ateneo Computer Science Center, which awarded certificates in short computer courses and later a degree in Computer Science. Internet access, as well as computer education, were harnessed in aid of connecting faculty, staff, and students to the rest of the wired universe. Further, courses in Electronics and Communications Engineering and Architecture were first taught at this time.

The University’s outstanding work in the areas of curriculum and instruction, faculty, administration, student services, physical plant, and laboratories continued to be recognized by PAASCU reaccreditations as well as awards from the Commission on Higher Education (CHED). Ateneo de Davao was declared a CHED Center of Development in Business and Management Education in 1994 and in Chemistry and Mathematics Education in 1998 as well as a Center of Excellence in Teacher Education in 1996.

On the cusp of the 21st century, the University spun the School of Business and Governance of the College of Arts and Sciences; the leaner College became the School of Arts and Sciences. More degree programs were offered—in Nursing (2001), Information Technology and Information Management (2002), and Accounting Technology (2009). From 2000 to 2003, Ateneo de Davao was Region XI’s Center of Development for Excellence in Information Technology Education.

These improvements in organizational structure and program offerings were accompanied by a major change in the campus landscape. Finster Hall (named after Fr. Paul V. Finster, a much loved Jesuit who served the Ateneo de Davao community as Rector-President, treasurer, teacher and counselor for more than forty years) was constructed. The building drastically increased the instruction space in the campus. Through the years, various laboratories for computer instruction and interaction; for speech lessons, journalism, and video editing; and for engineering experiments and research have been built up and constantly updated.

On the university’s 60th year, the cornerstone for Jubilee Hall was laid. Space was earmarked for classrooms and offices of student organizations and administrative units.

In 2009, the University earned the ultimate official accolade of a PAASCU Institutional Accreditation, one of only six such awards in the Philippines, for:
“the University’s long tradition of exemplary accomplishments in the areas of instruction, research and community service and high performance of its graduates in government licensure examinations; for the laudable practices leading to internal efficiency and external productivity; for its meritorious record of excellence as evidenced by the high level of performance of program accreditation and effective assurance mechanisms.”

Stronger, deeper, and richer institutional changes followed. Greater emphasis has been placed on the university functions of research and community service, leading to the creation of the University Research Council (URC) and the University Community Engagement and Advocacy Council (UCEAC) in 2011.

The instruction function, however, remains paramount. On top of the School of Arts and Sciences and the School of Business and Governance, three other Schools were organized in 2012: the School of Nursing, the School of Engineering and Architecture, and the School of Education. Jointly, they award degrees from 47 college programs and 44 graduate programs to more than a thousand students every school year.

In 2015, the Ateneo Community ratified the University’s Strategic Plan for 2015-2020, which “provides a way of proceeding that seeks to build a community working for social justice and the common good.” To realize the University’s mission, the Plan is organized around five guiding principles: transformative administration and services (A); integral formation (F); excellent instruction (I); robust research and publication (R); and vibrant engagement and advocacy (E) or AFIRE.

For transformative administration and services (A), new Vice President offices were approved by the Board of Trustees in 2017: Executive Vice President, Vice President for Finance (and Treasurer), and Vice President for Planning and Quality Assurance.

Offices and other workspaces were reestablished in the Community Center of the First Companions and the Fr. Edgar Martin SJ Hall in 2015. The Community Center hosts a student study center, faculty workspaces, academic department offices, research and advocacy offices, the Jesuit Residence, and a dialogue center in its eleven floors. Martin Hall has sports and athletic facilities— volleyball and basketball courts, jogging track, and a fitness center as well as a multipurpose hall—in four of its seven floors. The other floors have the Office of Student Affairs, offices of student organizations, and carparks.

Other University facilities in the Jacinto Campus include the Fitness and Wellness Center (2016), the Lactation Room (2017), and the University Swimming Pool (2018). Sports facilities in the Matina Campus include the Fr. Rodolfo A. Malasmas SJ Swimming Pool and the all-weather running track, both inaugurated in 2012.

Every year since 2012, several Ignatian Conversations have been organized in the name of integral formation (F). Retreats and recollections for faculty, staff, and students are held all year-round and have included the College of Law since 2016. Induction programs for both faculty and staff have been institutionalized since 2015. The formation of retreat guides started in 2017.

Further, the St. Ignatius Spirituality Center (SISC) was built in 2014 to be a place for prayer and reflection on the Island Garden of Samal. The SISC accommodates silent and individually-guided retreats and provides refuge, rest and solitude for members of the Ateneo community, as well as interested others.

In 2015, Our Lady of the Assumption Chapel, another place of worship and prayer, was blessed. The chapel interiors are rich with cultural symbols and images of Mindanao in brass, wood, and fabric. Murals depict Bible stories in oil on canvas. “It supports the catholicity of the University in the multiethnic context of Mindanao and its culture of Ignatian spirituality.”

In the area of excellent instruction (I), additional degree programs began to be offered from 2012 to 2017 to provide integrated, humane, and professional educational formation that is transformative, globally competitive, Mindanao-responsive and socially conscious, and imparts to the learner a lifelong passion for learning and action for the greater glory of God. Among these programs are Bachelor of Public Management, Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science, Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies, Bachelor of Arts in Islamic Studies, Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship, major in Agribusiness, as well as Master of Arts in Anthropology and Master of Tropical Risk Management.

The University was instrumental in establishing the Tboli Sbù Senior High School in June 2015. It is the first indigenous Senior High School in the country. Its first Graduation Ceremonies were held in April 2017. The University opened its own Senior High School in June 2016. The unit’s base of operations is in the Finster Hall of the Jacinto Campus. In June 2018, the unit shall be moving to the new Bangkal Campus. To ensure the delivery of excellent instruction across units, the Academic Vice President’s scope of work, which originally covered the College Unit and Law School, was expanded to include the other academic units—Grade School, Junior High School, Senior High School—in 2017.

To solidify efforts in research (R), and engagement and advocacy (E), seven offices and centers were established between 2013 and 2017: the Natural Family Planning Center (NFPC) in 2013, the Joint Ateneo Institute for Mindanao Economics (JAIME) and Innovation and Technology Support Office (ITSO) in 2016; the Center for Politics and International Affairs (CPIA), Center Against Illegal Drugs (CAID), and the University Research Ethics Committee (UREC), all in 2017. In 2017, Ecoteneo became a University office; it began as a Matina Campus office in 2013.

Established earlier in 2012 were the following Centers under the aegis of URC and UCEAC: the Center of Psychological Extension and Research Services (COPERS), Ateneo Public Interest and Legal Advocacy Center (APILA), Ateneo Migration Center (AMC), Tropical Institute for Climate Studies (TropICS), Al Qalam Institute for Islamic Identities and Dialogue in Southeast Asia (Al Qalam), Center for Renewable Energy and Alternative Technologies (CREATe), Ateneo Institute of Anthropology (AIA), and Mindanawon Initiatives for Cultural Dialogue.

They joined the pre-2000 offices, including the Social Research, Training, and Development Office (SRTDO), Publication Office, Tambara, and Center for Business Research and Extension (CBRE), which are under URC, and the Legal Aid Office, Institute for Socio-Economic Development Initiatives (ISEDI), Ateneo Resource Center for Local Governance (ARCLG), which are under UCEAC.

The Office of the President initiated the Pakighinabi conversation series in 2012 “to provide members of the University community a platform to discuss multidisciplinary issues and concerns in a more informal and conversational manner.” Its goal is to create a structure for conversations in the frame of social justice and the common good in the pursuit of forming AdDU sui generis leaders. Topics covered include Constitutional change and federalism, interreligious dialogue, Enhanced Bangsamoro Basic Law, peacebuilding, among others.

Other University engagements include the Mindanao Peace Games (2015), which promotes inter-university, interreligious, intercultural, and interpersonal contact through sports; the Arrupe Office of Social Formation’s Cardoner Volunteer Program (2016); the Al Qalam’s Salaam Youth Movement (2017), which promotes unity in diversity and sustainable and inclusive peace in Mindanao; and the Madaris Volunteer Program (2015), which the University implements with the Catholic Educational Association of the Philippines (CEAP) to promote inter- and intrafaith dialogue through immersion.

The engagement efforts are aimed at promoting and advocating “social justice and the common good for the empowerment of the poor, oppressed, the marginalized, and the excluded through collaborative, sustainable, and purposive initiatives that give utmost respect to human dignity, leading to reconciliation with the Creator, nature, and the human society by and through each and every member of the Ateneo de Davao community—as graced by God and as grateful stewards.”

A Career Center and Alumni Hub was inaugurated in 2018. It aims to develop students’ occupational maturity through career exploration and counseling, as well as provide alumni with information on career planning, job opportunities, and graduate studies. Also in 2018, the University Board of Trustees approved a new school for multilevel adult education to enhance human development, technopreneurship, and continuing professional development: the Ateneo de Davao Academy for Lifelong Learning (ADD-ALL). The ADD-ALL is a project of the Office of the President.

The Ateneo Internationalization for Mindanao (AIM) Office was established in June 2019 as a realization of Ateneo de Davao University’s revitalized vision and mission; that ‘as Filipino, it contributes to and serves Mindanao’—in its formation of graduates whose world-class competencies are ultimately dedicated to Mindanao—while at the same time being in service of a mission that ‘promotes cultural understanding and friendship with its Asian neighbours.’ AIM functions as the University’s primary support for the development and implementation of international projects and activities. One of the most prominent and the latest of these active partnerships is ADDU’s collaboration with Huaqiao University for the inauguration of the Confucius Institute. This particular partnership is at the height of ADDU’s promotion of cultural understanding with its Asian neighbors. The Confucius Institute’s establishment in ADDU is geared towards enhancing Sino-Philippine friendship and empowers cultural and educational exchanges between the two countries through Chinese language and culture studies.

As the Ateneo de Davao University prepares for its 75th Year, it moves forward to much greater service through AFIRE— transformative administration and services, integral formation, excellent instruction, robust research and publication, as well as vibrant engagement and advocacy, all informed by Jesuit ideals of finding God in all things and working for God’s greater glory.

University President



Federation of Accrediting Agencies of the Philippines

Philippine Accrediting Association of Schools, Colleges, and Universities

Jesuit Educational Association of the Philippines

Ateneo de Davao University
Davao City


Rev. Fr. Joel E. Tabora S.J. is the current President of Ateneo de Davao University in Davao City, Mindanao, Philippines. He serves as the President of the Federation of Accrediting Agencies of the Philippines (FAAP). He is also the President of the Philippine Accrediting Association of Schools, Colleges, and Universities (PAASCU), and Superintendent of the Jesuit Educational Association of the Philippines. He is a board member of the Ateneo de Zamboanga University, and the Catholic Ministry to Deaf People, in the Philippines. He is also a member of the Commission on Ministries of the Philippine Province of the Society of Jesus, and the Commission on Higher Education’s Technical Working Group for institutional development and innovation grants.

Prior to his appointment at Ateneo de Davao University, Father Tabora served as President of Ateneo de Naga University (1999-2011), President of Loyola School of Theology (1995-1999), and Rector of the San Jose Seminary (1989-1995).

He is a graduate of Leopold-Franzens University, Innsbruck, Austria, and Ateneo de Manila University. His doctorate is in Philosophy and his particular expertise focuses on Karl Marx.

Prior to his appointment at Ateneo de Davao University, Father Tabora served as President of Ateneo de Naga University (1999-2011).

Throughout his career, Father Tabora has demonstrated a commitment to “whole person formation”, social justice and spirituality: traditional hallmarks of Jesuit education.

Office of the University President
Canisius Hall
Ateneo de Davao University
E Jacinto St, 8016 Davao City
Tel +63 82 221.2411 local 8201 | Fax +63 82 226.4116
E-mail: president@addu.edu.ph

Board of Trustees

Officers of the Board

Mr. Benjamin A. Lizada


Fr. Joel E. Tabora, S.J.

University President

Mr. Jimmy E. Delgado

University Treasurer

Mr. Romulo Vinci R. Bueza


Mr. Jeremy S. Eliab

Assistant Secretary

Members of the Board

Atty. Laisa M. Alamia

Member of Parliament

Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM)

Atty. Abelardo L. Aportadera, Jr.

Ateneo de Davao University Alumnus

Aportadera Law Office

Mr. Ruben A. Bangayan

Ateneo de Davao University Alumnus

Davao Businessman

Dr. Angela Nina Ann R. Ingle

Ateneo de Davao University Alumna

Conservation Environmentalist, Davao City

Fr. Archimedes A. Lachica, S.J.

Campus Minister for Faculty and Staff

Ateneo de Davao University

Fr. Michael I. Pineda, S.J.


Ateneo de Davao University – Junior High School

Fr. Karel S. San Juan, S.J.


Ateneo de Zamboanga University, Zamboanga City

Fr. Ramon Prudencio S. Toledo, S.J.


University Information Technology Office, AdDU

Very Rev. Primitivo Viray, Jr., S.J.


Philippine Province of the Society of Jesus

Fr. Roberto C. Yap, S.J.


Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan, Cagayan de Oro City

Dr. Gemma Teresa T. Narisma

Executive Director

Manila Observatory

Fr. Roberto E.N. Rivera, S.J.


Ateneo de Naga University, Naga City

Ma. Rossana H. Fernandez

Executive Director

Ateneo Blue Knight Alumni Association

School Administrators


Rev. Fr. Joel E. Tabora, S.J. Ph.D

University President

Mr. Jeremy S. Eliab

Executive Vice President

Mr. Romulo Vinci R. Bueza

Program Coordinator, Madaris Volunteer Program (MVP)
Director, Ateneo Internationalization for Mindanao (AIM) Office

Ms. Fatima Jennae B. Jereza

Assistant Director, Ateneo Internationalization for Mindanao (AIM) Office

Atty. January Faye L. Risonar-Bello

Assistant to the President for Research and Advocacy

Ms. Shiela Joy C. Gallemaso-Bacon, CPA

Internal Auditor

Ms. Suzette D. Aliño

Vice President for Quality Assurance and Planning

Ms. Suzanne Marie A. Doromal

Assistant to the President for Community Center and Martin Hall Operations

Mr. Bernie M. Jereza

Assistant to the President for Information Technology(concurrent)
Director, Institutional Communications and Promotions (iCOMMP)

Mr. Jimmy E. Delgado, CPA

Vice President for Finance and Treasurer

Atty. Niceforo V. Solis

Director, Human Resource Management and Development Office

Engr. Florian Z. Remolino

University Physical Plant Director

Ms. Jhoan Mae A. Labog

Food Court and Commercial Spaces Manager

Atty. Manuel P. Quibod

Legal Counsel

Engr. Noah A. Bubod

Physical Plant Supervisor – Matina Campus

Engr. Teddy M. Recomes

Officer-in-Charge, Physical Plant Office, Bangkal campus

Rev. Fr. Ramon Prudencio S. Toledo, S.J.

Director, University IT Office (UITO)

Ms. Michelle P. Banawan, Ph.D.

Director, Management Information Services – UITO

Ms. Ma. Teresa T. Quindoy

Director, Information Technology Training Services-UITO

Mr. Ruben F. Estuart, Jr.

Director, Technical Services – UITO

Ms. Carmela Marie M. Santos

Director, Ecoteneo

Mr. Alfredo Teodoro

Director, Ateneo Shoe Academy

Ms. Ayessa Velasquez-Pastoril

Director, Ateneo de Davao Academy of Lifelong Learning

Dr. Tender P. Ferolin

Officer, University Pollution Control


Ms. Gina L. Montalan, Ph.D.

Academic Vice President (AVP)

Ms. Michelle P. Banawan, Ph.D.

Assistant to the Academic Vice President

Mr. Jerome A. Serrano, Ph.D.

Director, Admission and Aid Office

Atty. Edgar B. Pascua II

Registrar for Tertiary Education

Ms. Fretzie F. Alfaro-Fajardo

Director, University Libraries & AV Center

Ms. Theresa Salaver-Eliab

Director, Office of Student Affairs

Atty. Ira Calatrava-Valenzuela

Assistant Director, Office of Student Affairs

Ms. Leah C. Reparado

Director, College Guidance and Testing Center

Mr. Akeem Jade G. Fabila

Officer, Student Recruitment for College Admission and Aid Office


Mr. Renante D. Pilapil, Ph.D.


Rev. Fr. Carlos G. Cenzon, Jr., S.J., Ph.D.

Assistant Dean, Computer Studies — SAS

Mr. Joseph A. Laroscain

Assistant Dean, Humanities and Letters — SAS

Ms. Agnes T. Aranas, Ph.D.

Assistant Dean, Natural Sciences and Mathematics — SAS

Ms. Nelly Z. Limbadan, Ph.D.

Assistant Dean, Social Sciences — SAS

Ms. Stella Marie G. Arcenas, Ph.D.

Director, Ateneo Language Center


Ms. Grace S. Tacadao

Chairperson, Computer Science Department

Mr. Jose Mari V. Freires

Chairperson, Information Systems Department

Mr. Raul Vincent W. Lumapas

Chairperson, Information Technology Department


Ms. Cheryl P. Baldric, Ph.D.

Chairperson, Languages, Literature, and Arts Department

Ms. Christine Faith M. Avila

Chairperson, Mass Communication Department

Ms. Vida Mia S. Valverde, Ph.D.

Chair, Philosophy Department

Mr. Lunar T. Fayloga

Chairperson, Theology Department

Ms. Maricar Gay V. Panda, Ph.D.

Coordinator, Matteo Ricci Mandarin Program


Ms. Elvira A. Corcolon, Ph.D.

Chairperson, Biology Department

Mr. Joval C. Afalla, Ph.D.

Chairperson, Chemistry Department

Ms. Doris B. Montecastro, Ph.D.

Chairperson, Environmental Science Department

Mr. Ronald Ryan G. Olarte

Chairperson, Mathematics Department

Mr. Raymund S. Vizcarra, Ph. D.

Chair, Physics Department


Ms. Leah H. Vidal, Ph.D.

Chairperson, Anthropology Department

Atty. Augusto Jose Emmanuel B. Gatmaytan, Ph.D.

Director, Ateneo Institute of Anthropology

Ms. Mildred M. Estanda

Chairperson, Economics Department

Mr. John Harvey D. Gamas

Chairperson, International Studies Department

Ms. Mary Donna Grace J. Cuenca

Chairperson, Political Science and History Department

Ms. Rhodora Gail T. Ilagan, Ph.D.

Chairperson, Psychology Department

Ms. Epifania Melba L. Manapol, Ph.D.

Chairperson, Social Work Department

Mr. Dennis B. Coronel

Chairperson, Sociology Department

Mr. Sultan U. Ubpon

Chairperson, Islamic Studies Department

Mr. Efren John P. Sabado, Ph.D.

Coordinator, Development Studies Graduate Program


Mr. Jenner Y. Chan, DBM


Ms. Margie J. Clavano, DBM

Assistant Dean,  Graduate Programs

Ms. Divina V. Sabanal, DBM

Assistant Dean, Undergraduate Programs

Ms. Lenore A. Loqueloque, DBM

Chairperson, Accountancy Program

Ms. Ruth E. Chew

Chairperson, Management Accounting Department

Mr. Raymond B. Sintos, DBM

OIC Chairperson, Entrepreneurship Department

Ms. Ma. Grace M. Baysa, Ph.D.

Chairperson, Finance Department

Ms. Eminel Jane M. Alvior, DPA

Chair, Governance Department

Ms. Michelle Rose M. Juadiong

Chairperson, Human Resource Development and Management Department

Mr. Joeffrey L. Gomez

Coordinator, Agri-Business Program, Entrepreneurship Department

Ms. Jovelyn A. Castro, DBM

Chair, Business and Management Department

Ms. Donna Vida M. Abrina

Chair, Marketing Department


Ms. Annabel J. Casumpa, Ph.D.


Ms. Melanie Jeane C. Galvez

Assistant Dean

Ms. Marleonie M. Bauyot, Ph.D.

OIC-Chairperson, Educational Leadership Department

Ms. Karen Anne San Pedro

Chairperson, Teacher Education Chairperson

Mr. Jade K. Halilio

Chair, Physical Education Department


Engr. Randell U. Espina, Ph.D.


Engr. Renyl B. Barroca, Ph.D.

Assistant Dean

Archt. Wilfredo Z. Policarpio

Chairperson, Architecture Department

Engr. Ma. Leah Flor A. de Castro

Chairperson, Chemical Engineering Department

Engr. Ken P. Cosares

Chairperson, Civil Engineering Department

Engr. Dexielito B. Badilles

Chairperson, Computer Engineering Department

Engr. Fortunata Pompeya Nicolas

Chairperson, Electrical Engineering Department

Engr. Josef Rene L. Villanueva

Chairperson, Electronics Engineering Department

Engr. Decien Dee F. Cagalitan

Chairperson, Engineering Sciences and Math Department

Engr. Glenda B. Minguito

Chairperson, Industrial Engineering Department

Engr. Mardione Albert C. Mozo

Chairperson, Mechanical Engineering Department


Ms. Liza G. Floresca, Ph.D.

Coordinator, Academic Program

Ms. Ma. Nelia C. Ruta, RN

Coordinator, Community Extension & Advocacy

Ms. Patricia V. Manalaysay, Ph.D.


Ms. Magnolia May A. Jadulang, RN

Coordinator, Related Learning Experience Program


Atty. Manuel P. Quibod


Atty. Lydia C. Galas

Assistant Dean, College of Law

Rev. Fr. Agustin L. Nazareno

Director, Pre-Bar Review


Mr. Elvi C. Tamayo

Director, Ignatian Spirituality and Formation Office (ISFO)

Ms. Melanie G. Oliver-Garino

ISF Program Development Officer

Rev. Fr. Archimedes A. Lachica, S.J.

Campus Minister for Administrators, Faculty & Staff (ISFO)

Ms. Lilibeth L. Arcena

Director, Arrupe Office of Social Formation (AOSF)

Rev. Fr. Victor A. Baltazar, SJ

Director, St. Ignatius Spirituality Center (SISC)

Ms. Agnes Joy J. Sagaral

Coordinator, Service Learning Program – AOSF

Ms. Shela Mae D. Jaso

OIC-Coordinator, First Year Development Program (FYDP)
Coordinator, Arrupe Ignites Program
Coordinator, Arrupe Social Formation (ASF) Program

Mr. Ryan Rolf P. Fuentes

Head Campus Minister of Campus Ministry and Chaplaincy Services (For Higher Education)

Mr. Terrence Edward M. Fernandez

OIC-Coordinator, Community Engagement Program – AOSF

Mr. Wilfredo M. Samante

Director, Alumni Affairs

Ms. Precious Kyrie P. Undag

OIC Coordinator, Student Volunteers and Leaders Organizing and Formation Program

Mr. Karl Anthony P. Ebol

Coordinator of the National Service Training Program – Civic Welfare Training Service (NSTP-CWTS)


Ms. Lourdesita Sobrevega-Chan, Ph.D.

Chairperson, University Research Council (URC)

Rev. Fr. David John de los Reyes, S.J.

Executive Secretary

Rev. Fr. Daniel J. McNamara, S.J., Ph.D.


Ms. Divina V. Sabanal, DBM


Ms. Stella Marie Arcenas, Ph.D.


Engr. Randell U. Espina, Ph.D.


Ms. Marinar F. Castro


Engr. Nelson H. Enano, Jr.

Director, Center for Renewable Energy and Appropriate Technology (CREATE)

Ms. Lourdes R. Simpol, Ph.D.

Director, Tropical Institute for Climate Studies (TROPICS)

Mr. Macario D. Tiu, Ph.D.

Director, University Publication Office (UPO)

Engr. Jason T. Occidental

OIC Director, Innovation Technology and Support Office

Ms. Christine S. Diaz, Ph.D.

Director, Social Research, Training, and Development Office (SRTDO)

Ms. Diana Carmella G. Taganas

Director, Ateneo Migration Center

Ms. Rhisan Mae E. Morales

Director, Center of Politics and International Affairs

Mr. Cleofe A. Arib, CPA, DBM

Director, Center for Business Research and Extension

Mr. Germelino Bautista, Ph.D.

Director, Joint Ateneo Institute for Mindanao Economics


Mr. Mark Paul O. Samante


Atty. Arnold C. Abejaron

Director, Ateneo Public Interest and Legal Advocacy (APILA)

Atty. Manuel P. Quibod

Director, Ateneo Legal Aid Services

Atty. Arlene L. Cosape

Director, Ateneo Resource Center for Local Governance (ARCLG)

Ms. Maria Isabel S. Lemen, RP

Director, Center for Psychology Extension & Research Services (COPERS)

Ms. Gina R. Lamzon, Ph.D. RPm, RGC

Assistant Director, COPERS External Affairs

Mr. Randolph R. Reserva

Assistant Director, COPERS Internal Affairs

Atty. Romeo T. Cabarde, Jr.

Director, Center Against Illegal Drugs (CAID)

Ms. Perpevina C. Tio

Director, Mindanawon Initiatives for Cultural Dialogue

Ms. Jocelyn E. Cabo

Director, Institute for Socio-Economic and Development Initiatives


Mr. Ricardo P. Enriquez


Ms. Aujefel Amor Y. Lee

Assistant Director for Academic Affairs

Ms. Joyce T. Duhaylungsod

Coordinator, Office of Learner Activities

Mr. Ranie S. Diacor

Coordinator, Culture and Arts Office

Mr. Jason Cyril L. Tajores

Cluster Leader, Physics and Earth Science

Mr. Eric John G. Gramaje

Cluster Leader, Marketing and Entrepreneurship

Mr. Karl M. Macapagal

Cluster Leader, Business Math and Accountancy


Rev. Fr. Michael I. Pineda, S.J.


Ms. Camila V. Samblaceño

Assistant Principal for Academic Affairs

Ms. Alma Raymonda S. Bartolata

Assistant Principal for Administration

Ms. Excesima L. Pasilan

Assistant Principal for Formation

Ms. Helen Grace B. Pulido

Executive Assistant to the Principal

Mr. Earl Ian S. Uy

Coordinator, Admissions, Aid, and Alumni Affairs

Mr. Ricky John S. Babao

Coordinator, IT/Livelihood

Ms. Zenaida G. Mendez

Coordinator, Grade 8 Level

Ms. Mary Ann Flor Q. Gascon

Coordinator, Grade 7 Level

Ms. Jossie V. Bolaños

Coordinator, Grade 9 Level

Mr. Lamuel T. Parreño

Coordinator, Grade 10 Level

Mr. Jason R. Sarmiento

Coordinator, CLE

Ms. Angelle Marie D. Aquino

Coordinator, English

Ms. Mesfah G. Isunza

Coordinator, Filipino

Mr. Vun Leeu Ween Q. Romerde

Coordinator, Mathematics

Ms. Dubai S. Muñoz

Coordinator, Music, Arts, PE, & Health

Ms. Laarni C. Cahulogan

Coordinator, Science

Ms. Virginia C. Ople

Coordinator, Social Studies

Ms. Hiedee D. Elio

Coordinator, Campus Ministry

Ms. Marinar F. Castro

Coordinator, Faculty and Staff Development

Mr. Nathaniel M. Limbo

Prefect of Student Affairs

Mr. Carlo D. Guiang

Coordinator, Student Development Center

Ms. Ma. Carmela S. Abay


Mr. Arvin John Valiente E. Maruya

Coordinator, Student Activities

Ms. Isabel E. Sosmeña

Coordinator, Instructional Media Center


Ms. Geraldine Nina Rocel A. Libron


Ms. Criselda M. Buyan

Assistant Headmaster for Academic Affairs

Ms. Annerose V. Villarba

Assistant Headmaster for Administration

Ms. Glynes Jean V. Ibañez

Assistant Headmaster for Student Affairs

Ms. Rowena B. Nazareno

Assistant Headmaster for Pre-School

Ms. Xena G. Gonzaga

Assistant Headmaster for Formation

Ms. Maria Carmel J. Tabinas

Playschool Level Head
Preschool Level 1 Head

Ms. Elliette D. Militante

Nursery Level Head

Ms. Ma. Lourdes P. Aviles

Kindergarten Head

Ms. Rhea Mae C. Panaligan

Grade 1 Level Head

Ms. Lorelie A. Portillo

Grade 2 Level Head

Ms. Editha A. Llanes

Grade 3 Level Head

Ms. Ivy M. Cardoza

Grade 4 Level Head

Ms. Valentina S. Doroja

Grade 5 Level Head

Ms. Anna Lyn C. Dulay

Grade 6 Level Head

Ms. Ivy K. Calibayan

Christian Life Education Subject Area Head

Ms. Maria Khresty Z. Collo

English Subject Area Head

Ms. Mary Ann C. Huetira

Filipino Subject Area Head

Ms. Imelda I. Avila

HELE – Art Subject Area Head

Ms. Iris Coleen C. Licong

Mathematics Subject Area Head

Ms. Andri Mae E. Ypil

Araling Panlipunan Subject Area Head

Ms. Belen E. Gordo

Science Subject Area Head

Mr. Ruben Mondejar, Jr.

PE and Music Subject Area Head

Ms. Jennely C. Amaneo

Supervisor, Campus Ministry

Ms. Melinda B. Alba

Head Librarian

Ms. Christine M. Valencia

IT – Health Subject Area Head

Ms. Mary Ann Aurea A. Estoque


Ms. June Faye T. Sumaoy

Coordinator, Student Development Center

Ms. Mitzi Gay B. Ferrariz

Coordinator, Ad & Promo and Alumni Affairs

Ms. Eucelyn F. Ortiz

Coordinator, Faculty and Staff Development

Ms. Lilian G. Remolino

Deputy Director, Ecoteneo for Basic Education

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